The consultancy services provided are primarily related to mainframe support for the Web and Web related technologies. However, I have more recently also been involved in Web projects that had absolutely nothing to do with the mainframe i.e. design and usability projects.
Additionally, I designed and implemented this web site myself and unfortunately it is not based on a mainframe. If I had my own mainframe you could be sure that I would base this web site on it, more than likely using CICS® Transaction Server and I would not have to change a single line of HTML or CSS !
I have experience with
When most people think of mainframe support for the Web, they think of IBM’s WebSphere Application Server. This is mainly due to the enormous marketing effort undertaken by IBM. However, WebSphere Application Server is only one possibility and not the only possibility. CICS® Transaction Server provides outstanding web support and has a number of advantages when compared to WebSphere. If your organisation has CICS® Transaction Server you should have a blatant disregard for the efforts of your IBM representative to sell you WebSphere Application Server and establish independently the most suitable solution for your organisation.
The consultancy services for web-enablement involve enabling existing (legacy) applications for the Web using the most appropriate method for the applications involved and most preferably without having to change the existing application.
The consultancy services for web-awareness involve making an existing application actively "aware" of the Web. This obviously involves additions to the existing applications and possibly even changes to the existing source code. If an application observed the classic separation of business and presentation logic, existing code could remain unchanged. However, if business and presentation logic are combined in the existing application changes can not be avoided.
The consultancy services for web-based applications are related to new, mainframe based applications intended specifically for the Web (the intranet or internet).
The design and usability services are platform independent i.e. you can take advantage of these services if your web site is not mainframe based.